The Maiden Death is one of the greater Fates and an immortal.
The Maiden Death's symbol is her cage of pearls that wraps around her head. Her dress looks more like long tatters of gossamer fabric that have been tied together.
Death stole Maiden Death from her family to make her his immortal consort but she refused him. Consequently, Death locked her head in a cage of pearls to keep anyone else from having her. Even then she defied him, sneaking off every night to warn the loved ones of those he was about to take.
When Armando reads Tella's cards, one of the cards she gets is the Maiden Death.
The Maiden Death, along with the Assassin, ask for the help of Legend and Tella. She reveals that the Fallen Star punishes the Fates, eternally, when they act out. It is also revealed that it was Gavriel who imprisoned the Maiden Death's head when she refused to him, not Death, and had her head caged to keep anyone from touching her. The cage will remain until Gavriel dies.
The Maiden Death warns people of losses to come. Her card predicts the loss of a loved one.[1]